IP Address = Soul Domain Name = Body For Every Website

We help brands in acquiring, selling, buying of their greatest asset in the online world; domain names. We work on your behalf so that you can work on what you know best; your business.


It takes hours of Maths and Science

We spend hours and hours, sometimes days to calculate, how much the domain name is actually worth of, we run mathematical and computational calculations for the hits the domain will get on the search engines & how many pay per click you will be spending in a year for the particular set of keywords.

Your payments will always be Safe

We are committed to creating a safe environment for our buyers as well as sellers, that’s why we only use www.escrow.com trusted and used to purchase domains such as twitter.com, snapchat.com, uber.com. The Escrow process protects both buyer (from scams) and sellers (from credit-card chargebacks).


Save your Money through Stealth Acquisitions

We believe that your establishment shouldn’t be the benchmark for the price you pay for the domain name, that’s where our team comes in and never reveals your details to the domain owners, whether you are a buyer or seller. We recommend every buyer/seller to talk to our team of brokers to get massive lead generation, lowering your cost of customer acquisition, and maximizing ROI in the process.

We deal in every possible available TLD extension

We believe that your establishment shouldn’t be the benchmark for the price you pay for the domain name, that’s where our team comes in and never reveals your details to the domain owners, whether you are a buyer or seller. We recommend every buyer/seller to talk to our team of brokers to get massive lead generation, lowering your cost of customer acquisition, and maximizing ROI in the process.

Domain Sell

We keep our resources & cost low passing on the benefit to you

By employing the industry's most talented and experienced players on an as-needed basis using only the most appropriate individuals for a specific project in acquiring/selling your online asset. Think, if the seller or the buyer knows if your company is worth $100M if he will surely add $10k or $20k to the price. That's why we hire best-in-class innovation experts, writers, appraisers, naming, and domain experts to deliver every project at a reasonable cost. Every time.

Considering upgrading an existing domain?

You're in good company!